Mr Stephen Durrant and his daughter Deven of Kent shown below taking delivery of their brand new silver Ifor Williams HB506 horse trailer to match their silver towing vehicle.
This newly introduced horse trailer by Ifor Williams celebrating 50 years of horse trailer building has been completely re-engineered to give a striking overall appearance which will compliment most 4X4 vehicles on the road today - However the beauty of the new range is not just skin deep, comfort and safety of the horses has always been the main consideration in the re-design of this new range which have undergone rigorous testing at both Ifor Williams and independent testing tracks.
There are three new models HB403 - HB506 - HB511 to choose from all available with front offload and grooms door fitted as standard.
The new Ifor Williams HB506 [see picture above] as purchased by the Durrants has been extended in height by 4 and a half inches to give lots head room for horses in the 550 kilogram range, some of whom find 7ft high trailers claustrophobic and unsettling.
The Durrants new trailer above also has front sliding windows [£60-00 extra] which allows airflow through the trailer if opened when required to keep the horses cool and calm in transit.
The larger front window on this new model allows more light in to the trailer which enables the latest Ifor Williams blue-tooth inspection camera [£180-00 extra] to give a continuing view of how the horses are at all times when in transit from a 7 inch in-car monitor - Blue tooth means that no wires are needed to connect the camera in the trailer to the monitor in the towing vehicle.
The new model HB506 above has several new features which include new gas strut assisted ramps for easy lifting - the spare wheel has been re-positioned onto the rear ramp with a smart new cover over it - there is a new clip-on number plate holder which enables attachment of number plates to the trailer without screws or adhesive, number plates can be changed quickly and easily when using different towing vehicles - and a new personal touch to enable owners and competitors to look their best is a new stick on vanity mirror for the inside of the trailer which can be positioned where required.
On the trailer above the Durrants decided to have the front unloading ramp positioned on the UK nearside which is an an option on these new models which can be built with the ramp on either side according to choice with the jockey/grooms door opposite, which on the above trailer has attached to it the very latest door mounted tack pack to store two saddles and various tack etc [£150-0 extra] - The above trailer also has the new high level brake light safety feature which provides additional warning when the vehicle and trailer are braking [£45-00 extra]
To ensure the trailer does not go wandering off the new owners of the above purchased a high quality Breckland Keep-It nose lock a wheel lock and the very latest Ifor Williams trailer cover to keep it looking its best even through the Winter if kept outside.
